Solihull Academy

Our Vision & Values

So, in a unique partnership between the Local Authority, mainstream school and ourselves, we built a school and have continued to develop and expand a provision and curriculum to combat that and ensure the best possible outcomes for highest tariff students in the local authority.  

Our goal is that every child who leaves Solihull Academy has avoided Permanent Exclusion, reduced or eliminated their Fixed-Term Exclusions/Suspensions, surpassed their Baseline, and / or Key Stage targets (academically and otherwise) and, most importantly, progressed to a suitable course, training scheme, apprenticeship or job to meet their future and career aspirations.

Our Vision

To meet the needs of every child referred to us.

We will continue to expand, innovate and improve so our programme, provision and interventions meet the needs of, and changes the future for, any child in the borough in danger of ‘falling through the cracks’ (permanent exclusion, missing in education, self-exclusion or disengagement). 

Our Mission 

We change the educational futures and life chances for every student who comes to us and, thereby, change what education looks like in Solihull by:

  • Preventing permanent exclusion (and/or providing a pathway back from PEX)
  • Using more intervention and teaching and therefore Fewer Fixed Term Exclusions (Suspensions)
  • Enabling our students to beat their Baseline or KS2 targets (or both!)
  • Ensuring there are No NEETS in our leavers. 

Our Ethos 

Every decision we make and every action we take is absolutely child-focused.  Moreover, the key to all of what we do is the very idea of what it means to be “Alternative”.  If everything in mainstream schools worked for our students, we would not be here! 

Furthermore, If what we have always done isn’t working, we need to make changes so that it does work for each of our students.  We question, we make reasonable adjustments, we work for continuous improvement (for ourselves and our students) and we have unconditional positive regard for all of our students

Our Values

 We are:

  • Bespoke
  • Inclusive
  • Relational
  • Therapeutic
  • Aspirational

Our Expectations

Our students have the right support and staffing, curriculum and intervention in place to: 

  • Be ready to learn
  • Be respectful
  • Be resilient
  • Be restorative
  • Be safe