Solihull Academy

Executive PrinciPal


Our academy opened in April 2018. Solihull needed an additional, alternative solution for a number of students for whom mainstream education was simply not working (for a range of reasons). In our short lifetime thus far we have grown considerably and continue to grow as our provision evolves. We now consist of our main site and provision for year 9-11, The Mercury Centre, The Saturn Centre and The Pathfinder Centre (Year 7-8).

As we have expanded we have continued to recruit committed, passionate and talented staff who ensure a full range of interventions to help change the outcomes of and life chances for our students for the better.

Solihull Academy will be

the difference for our students who have an urgent need for 

something different.

 Put bluntly, this is not your run-of-the-mill school. Solihull Academy is a game changer for pupils in the borough who really need the game to change. With a balanced mix of academic and pastoral intervention, challenge and rigour, we have a structured, therapeutic environment to give some of our students in the borough a chance to truly succeed. Make no mistake, though… We work incredibly hard, but we play hard as well, and we are continuing to build a community that can and does change the educational futures and life chances for every student who engages with us and, thereby, change what education looks like in Solihull.
For the vast majority of our pupils, regardless of their point and date of and academic level at entry to Solihull Academy, our job is to help them gain ground, assist them to regain what may have been lost in their previous experiences of education, and take them as far as we can (and even further than they might think possible) academically, socially, emotionally and morally until they complete their time with us. The strapline is simple…Solihull Academy can be, will be and is the difference for our students who have an urgent need for something different.
The main selling point of Solihull Academy, then, is the staff. Class sizes across our provisions and programmes are small (maximum of 10-12), the curriculum is innovative and bespoke and the core of what we offer students and parents/carers is the innovative teaching, inclusive practice, therapeutic environment, positive relationships and unrelenting passion offered by our intensely committed staff.

If you have any questions about our exciting school, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Stephen Steinhaus, Executive Principal

Solihull Alternative Provision Academy

Stephen Steinhaus, Executive Principal with Kat Dockery, Principal

Stephen Steinhaus, Executive Principal with Kat Dockery, Principal